This is where you will find me in person this year with lots of my beautiful creations for sale: 9-12 May - Hatfield, Hertfordshire 16-19 May - Hever Castle, Kent 16 June - Dodford 21-23 June - Handmade in Britain, Waterperry Gardens, Oxford 7 July - Arts Market, MAC Birmingham 23-26 August - Craft In Focus, RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Essex 12-15 September - Craft In Focus, Hever Castle Kent 6 October - Leamington Market, The Parade, Leamington Spa 13 October - Leamington Market, The Parade, Leamington Spa 20 October - Leamington Market, The Parade, Leamington Spa 27 October - Leamington Market, The Parade, Leamington Spa 8-10 November - Textile Fair, Compton Verney
You'll find some of my creations for sale in the following retailer outlets: Warwickshire Artisans, Yew Tree Shopping Village, Wootton Wawen Aletage 2, Crystal Palace Margo and Evie, Heart of the Shires Shopping Village, near Weedon Cotswold Glass and Crafts, Burford (just fingerless gloves) Artisans Hub, Braintree Wild Rose Flower Company, The Granary, Hoggeston